

558 Uppsatser om ESL-Electronic Shelf Labeling - Sida 1 av 38

Hermes Technologies : En entreprenöriell process

Detta examensarbete beskriver problem och hinder som uppstår vid nyföretagande och entreprenörskap. Arbetet initierades i en period som karaktäriserades av stora nedskärningar inom den svenska högteknologi industrin och väldigt få examensarbeten var tillgängliga.Den entreprenöriella processen och tankesättet har varit väldigt tongivande för det svenska samhället. Denna anda har producerat flera stora internationella storföretag. Även om inte alla entreprenörer når de internationella företag i storlek så har småföretagen en minst lika viktig roll för utvecklingen av samhället med det kreativa tankesättet och synen på affärsmöjligheter.Rapporten består av litteraturstudie och en fallstudie Hermes Technologies. Med hjälp av modeller kring den entreprenöriella processen, teorier om de psykografiska förhållandena på högteknologiska marknader samt teorier kring skapandet av en markand och prissättning samt analysverktygen Affärsplattformen har en teoretisk bas byggts upp för att sedan appliceras på en fallstudie.Teorin framhäver hur viktigt upptäckten av affärsmöjligheten är för framgång tillsammans med ett kreativt hanterande av resurserna.Fallstudien består av uppstarten till grundandet av ett högteknologiskt utvecklingsföretag inom marknaden för Electronic Shelf Labeling system, ESL-system.

Livsmedelsmärkning i butiker i Halmstad : kontroll av utvalda varor samt undersökning av kunskapsläge bland butiksföreståndare

In light of the recent scandals in Europe involving food labelling, this study will be focusing on food labelling. This study?s purpose is to investigate the extent of knowledge concerning labeling and presentation of food in the different food stores in Halmstad.The study was conducted out of our own interests with the guidance from the environmental health office. The study included nine different food stores of different size. The focus in this study was to verify how well five selected products follow the labeling rules.

Alternativa hylluppställningar: en användarundersökning på fyra folkbibliotek

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how users at four public libraries experience the alternative shelf arrangement in their library. The purpose of introducing an alternative shelf arrangement in a public library is often to facilitate for its users. In each of our chosen libraries, the librarians have arranged the books in the non-fiction section in broad themes, with the Swedish Library Association Classification System as subsections. Using qualitative interviews, we examined a total of 26 users? experience of the shelf arrangement and its accessibility, their methods for seeking information and their opinion about the presentation of the books.

En såndär som alltid gör fel : En litteraturstudie om upplevelser och hantering av stämpling av individer med en ADHD-diagnos.

This study intends to investigate the experiences of labeling on people with a ADHD diagnos and how individuals with an ADHD diagnosis handles labeling. In today's society normality is is something that is pursued and the individuals that do not meet the normality are perceived as deviant. The study is conducted with a qualitative method and is based on three autobiographies where individuals with an ADHD diagnosis writes about their life. The study deals with postmodern constructivism which is explaining that the normalization and deviances are constantly changing, both depending on time and context. The results and analysis of this study are presented under three main headings that are related to the study's research questions.

"Jag är bättre än så" : En studie om hur stimatisering- och stämplingsprocesser kan påverka föredetta kriminella mäns anpassningsmöjligheter i samhället.

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to look into how ex-offenders experience that stigmatization and labeling- processes might affect their possibilities to create an integrated and adapted life in society. It is also of interest to study how and if the interviewees experience their self-image to be affected by these processes. Our research-questions are:-          How do ex-offender males experience stigmatization and labeling-processes to impact their possibilities when trying to re-integrate into society?-          Do ex-offender males experience their self-image being affected by stigmatization and labeling-processes? If so, how are they affected? In order to achieve this we interviewed members of the organization KRIS in Örebro, where we selected males over 23 years of age with a prior prison sentence. The study is based on the labeling-theory of Howard Becker as well as the stigma-theory by Erving Goffman.In the conclusions derived from the results we found that the interviewees experience a more distinct and obvious stigmatization and labeling from authorities such as the police and the legal system, than that from other people in society.

Beståndshantering på antikvariat - Klassifikation, hylluppställning och exponering

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the classification,shelf arrangement and display of documents in antiquarianbookshops and see the reasons behind these. The results willbe compared with previous reviews of alternative shelfarrangement in Swedish public libraries, to see whatdifferences and similarities there are in the classification andshelf arrangement between antiquarian booksellers andlibraries. The questions to be answered were: (1)What formsof classification and shelf arrangement are used inantiquarian bookshops and how does it differ from theclassification and shelf arrangement made in libraries withan alternative shelf arrangement? (2)What exposure ofdocuments are there in the various antiquarian bookshops? Isthere anything regarding the exposure that differs betweenthe antiquarian bookshops and the libraries? An idea andideology analysis of various dimensions is used as atheoretical tool during the work. The dimensions were: (1)Shelf arrangement: It is important that customers/borrowerscan find themselves - it is important that staff know wherethe documents are.

Alternativ hylluppställning: en undersökning av hylluppställning och biblioteksmiljö på Västerviks stadsbibliotek.

The purpose of this Masters thesis has been to study the changes made in shelf arrangement and library environment in a Swedish public library. The aim was to examine the reasoning done by the library staff regarding classification, the Swedish classification system SAB and changes in library environment. The basis of our study were three questions: 1. Why has Västervik public library made changes in the shelf arrangement? 2.

Studenters användning av elektroniska källor ? en användarundersökning vid Växjö universitetsbibliotek

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to gain insights into students? usage and attitudes towards electronic articles and electronic books and how students feel about a change from print collections to digital collections at Växjö University Library. The main questions are: How do different groups of students use the library collections of electronic articles and electronic books? What factors influence the usage of the library collections of electronic articles and electronic books among students? What are the students? experiences of reading electronic books in comparison with reading print books? What would different groups of students think if the literature they need for their studies were purchased in electronic form instead of print? To answer the questions a user study was carried out at Växjö university library. A web survey was sent to students that had a library card and an email address registered at the library.

Hylluppställning i förändring ? En studie över svenska folkbiblioteks alternativa hylluppställningar

The aim of this thesis is to study how public libraries in Sweden use alternative shelf arrangements that differ from the library?s original classification system, which in Swedish public libraries usually is the SAB-system. I sent out a survey to 169 public libraries, where I received 114 replies. 77 of these stated that they had some kind of alternative shelf arrangement, therefore these are the ones that are included in my study. I wanted to investigate in what way the libraries had changed their shelf arrangement and why this decision was made.


An organisation in Skåne, Miljösamverkan Skåne, presented a project in 2011 concerning food labeling. All municipalities in Skåne, audited certain products in several stores, in order to determine if they were labeled correctly according to law. Stores who produced their own food where also audited. As Swedes generally have an interest in buying and cooking food from different countries, the demand is increasing, which makes stores provide the customers with a large range of different products to accommodate the demand. This essay will discuss the results of the project and how incorrect food labeling can affect human health.

Flickor och elektroniska spel: Fokusgruppintervjuer med flickor om deras syn på och användning av elektroniska spel

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine what part and importance electronic games play in the life of girls, how the girls use electronic games and what the girls think and say about their use of electronic games. We also intend to examine what girls have to say about electronic games at the public library. Our attempt is to illuminate and bring knowledge to those who work within the library with the selection, purchase and conveyance of electronic games. Method used in the survey is focusgroup-interviews with girls in the age between 12-14 years in three different schools. The findings are related to four different perspectives, theory of child development, from a gender perspective, theories of understanding how young people use computer games and theories to understand the purpose of public libraries.

Att smöra för EMV kan smälta kategorin

Private labels have been increasing a lot during the last 30 years. The reason is great margins and it also works as an aid to build a store's brand. The problem is that private labels take market shares from national brands. Retailers need to have a good mix between these products and adopting category management without being influenced by opportunism, which can lower the profitability of a category. The purpose of this study is to examine and describe how private labels are prioritized in the category edible fat.

Elektroniska tidskrifter - var, när, hur och i så fall varför?

An increasing number of scholarly publishers are beginning to make their journals available electronically. At the same time there is a growing amount of exclusively electronic journals freely accessible on the Internet. These are facts that librarians have to take into consideration.This master's thesis aims to describe the electronic journal and its role in Swedish academic libraries. In a review of current literature about electronic journals, the authors discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and their impact on scholars, publishers and libraries. To investigate the situation in Sweden, a questionnaire was sent out to 43 academic libraries.Questions were raised about the selection and acquisition of electronic journals, access, technology and economy.The results show that almost half of the 35 responding libraries offer electronic journals to their users.

Förstudie till implementering av Electronic Flight Bag

Flygbranschen har på senare år blivit överrumplad av den snabba expansionen av Electronic Flight Bags (EFB) och introduktionen av bärbara läsplattor har öppnat upp för ett mer ekonomiskt alternativ till fast installerad utrustning. Med anledning av detta har NextJet beslutat sig för att genomföra en förstudie för att se om det går att implementera EFB i bolaget på ett säkert och kostnadseffektivt sätt.Den här studien visar att implementering av Electronic Flight Bag inte kunde påvisa några direkta ekonomiska besparingar men uppfattningen är att Electronic Flight Bag ger effektiviseringsförbättringar och kvalitetshöjande bidrag till verksamheten som väger upp kostnaden för investeringen och driften av systemet..

Doktorander och e-böcker ? en användarundersökning

The purpose of this thesis is to study the usage of and attitudes towards electronic books among graduate and PhD students at Karlstad University. The main questions are: How do graduate and PhD students use electronic books? To what extent are electronic books used compared to printed books? To find the answers, a user study was carried out at Karlstad University library. The results show that a majority of the respondents are aware of the possibility to use electronic books but prefer to use printed ones if they have to choose. Many respondents also complained about difficulties reading a text on the computer screen.

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